Higher Praise Church
Carriage Town Ministries: We need someone to volunteer to take over this ministry! Please see Pastor Dennis!
3-12 YOUTH
Jordan Bolling and Wilda Cobb coordinate our 3-12 Youth program. After Sunday morning praise and worship, all kids ages 3 to 12 have the option to attend their own youth service in the fellowship hall.
Watch for upcoming announcements on our events page!!!
This Ministry is under the direction of Joel Dennis. Joel truely has a heart for God and young people alike. The youth has their own service to meet the spiritual, emotional needs for this generation. Our goal is to raise and train, God loving and responsilbe people.
Women's Ministry
Dear precious ladies, women's ministry is designed to encourage, equip and empower women to be all that God has created them to be. Keep posted for information about our group and events to come. The ladies ministry is under the direction of our Pastor's wife, Sis. Teresa Dennis. Women of all ages welcome! Please see the Events tab for upcoming activities.
Men's Ministry - The Kingsmen
Our Men's Ministry is a group where men can come together for fun, food and fellowship. Men's Ministry is to strengthen and encourage our men, to become better husbands, fathers and friends. The men's ministry is under the direction of John Bailey. Please see the Events tab for upcoming activities.