Higher Praise Church
The Wednesday Potluck Dinners are starting back up Wednesday November 9th. Dinner 6:30 p The Message 7:00 p
bible quizzers
Our Bible Quiz Teams performed wonderfully during the 2023 season! Congratulations Quizzers! They will be going to the National Competition in June! Good Luck Quizzers.
KINGSMEN: John Bailey
The men of the church and their guests usually meet one Saturday each month for a good time, fellowship with brothers in Christ, and a devotional .
Watch the bulletin for details!
LADIES MEETING: Sister Teresa Dennis.
The ladies of the church and their guest usually meet once each month for a good time, fellowship with sisters in Christ, and a devotional. Watch the bulletin for details!
Over 50 Youth Group (Now Called "The Sonshine Group")
Wilda Cobb has taken over the vintage group. Watch your weekly bulletin for upcoming events.
Check us Out
Youtube>>Higher Praise PCG
Comcast channel 17 on Thursday at 3:30 pm.
​Easy Tithe:
text your donation and dollar amount to 810-893-5202
(A short registration is required in
Response to your first text.)